An inspection of the School Building on Via Perugina was held on Monday, which was attended by Mayor Filippo Stirati along with City Councilor Valerio Piergentili and Regional Councilor Paola Agabiti. In attendance were engineer Lorena Ragnacci director of works and Giorgio Postrioti, head of the Superintendency. It is a construction site, that of the School Building, which holds particular importance both for the artifacts that have surfaced, but also for the innovative anti-seismic system that was chosen to secure the building. “The School Building,” explains construction manager Lorena Ragnacci of Cooprogetti, “was designed in use class 4, a factor that allows it to enter the world of strategic buildings, so that it can be used as a base for Civil Defense in emergency situations.

For the Cooprogetti
coordinator for safety during the execution phase Luigino Capponi
facilities operations director Costanza Cecchetti
construction operations director Edoardo Filippetti
facilities operations director Marco Salvi

For Ingenium
facilities operations director Riccardo Vetturini

La Nazione


Published On: October 11, 2023Categories: News, Press