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Sanitation and safety of the permanent former landfill located in “Colle Frateantonio”Tiziana Longo2023-11-27T11:27:35+00:00
Sanitation and safety of the former landfill in the area “Marinella” in the municipality of PizzoTiziana Longo2024-12-02T17:28:42+00:00
Road connection between the junction of the S.S. 514 with the S.S. 115 and the junction of the “Ragusana” with the S.S. 114Tiziana Longo2023-11-20T17:33:00+00:00
S.S. 219 Road Pian d’Assino – Stretch Gubbio MocaianaTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:26:51+00:00
S.S.117 Centrale SiculaTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:27:44+00:00
ASR 20/07 Highway A3 Salerno-Reggio CalabriaTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:11:19+00:00
Tirrenica Cycle Route Lotto 2b ToscanaTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:30:05+00:00
VenTo Cycle routeTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:30:39+00:00
Magna Grecia Cycle routeTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:21:05+00:00
Adriatic Cycle routeTiziana Longo2023-11-20T16:09:04+00:00
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