Introducing the new Cooprogetti logo

Cooprogetti was founded in 1976 and operates in the infrastructure, building, environment, territory and agronomy fields, in Italy and abroad.
The renewal of its communication system, through which Cooprogetti expresses its identity with the new logo in this first step, reflects the creation of a brand identity system, strengthening and promoting the change this Company is pursuing.
The most important strategic elements of the new brand are the values of cooperation, interdisciplinarity, circular economy and continuity. Therefore, although its visual design maintains continuity around the globe, the Company needed to create a logo with a new geometry and visual identity in harmony with the third millennium, and that is adaptable to digital communication and merchandising. The colour green has an important communication function, it is the colour of nature, and it is ecological because it puts us in relation with that which surrounds us, that belongs to us and to which we belong. The colour of life that continues and is renewed, a sign of balance and growth.
Alessandro Placucci, Engineer, Chairman of Cooprogetti, stated that “Cooprogetti has just emerged from a delicate generational replacement process, that gave the Company strong propulsion, which was necessary in this very positive phase of the engineering market, in which it is important to be in a position to seize opportunities correctly, and with the right energy. The visual relaunch project follows the actual evolution, leading Cooprogetti to increasingly complex challenges, in Italy and abroad, requiring skills and instruments that are appropriate in a world in constant evolution, and the new logo wants to emphasize the new lifeblood, that now fuels the Company, while always remembering its origins”.
Elisa Crimi, Architect, who has been coordinating the communication project from the start, highlights how “the new logo constitutes the first step towards the renewal of Cooprogetti’s Brand Identity. The new logo is the result of the balance between continuity and innovation, the symbolic element of the earth, which was already present in the original logo, goes through a process of contemporary transformation, representing the Company’s founding principles. Arch. Crimi describes the Rebranding operation as an ambitious plan that will allow Cooprogetti to enter the third millennium digital communication by creating identity value and sense of belonging, marking a step towards a clear objective of competitiveness and total relaunch of its image”.

The team working on the creation of the new brand is composed of the Cooprogetti Communication Control Committee and Tiziana Longo (Head of strategy), Leonardo Ceccarelli (Head of Brand experience design) and Giuliano Peaks (Graphic design).

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Published On: April 7, 2022Categories: News, Press