In today’s context, characterised by an increase in the frequency of extreme weather phenomena associated with an accelerated transformation of natural and urban landscapes, an in-depth understanding of hydrogeological risk emerges as an urgent necessity. The book ‘The influence of hydrogeological risk in the assessment of existing infrastructures and structures’, written by our members Ing. Danilo Pelle and Ing. Lorena Ragnacci together with their colleagues Ing. Francesco Oliveto and Ing. Matteo Felitti, offers a timely response to this need, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the methodologies and tools required to address this complex challenge. Integrating the most recent regulations and modern analysis techniques, this volume represents a point of reference for the assessment of hydrogeological risk and its effects on structures and infrastructures. It makes an innovative contribution to the field, providing engineering solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change and urbanisation.