Cooprogetti is participating in the study days-June 7 and 8, 2023-which aim to review the research conducted in recent years around the Feltresque dynasty and the impact it had on the city of Gubbio and the territory of the duchy.
The contributions of these days focus not only on the political protagonists of that 15th century, but also on the urban reality, the cultural environment and the social make-up of the city of Gubbio with which they interacted.

For the afternoon of Wednesday, June 7, the participation among the speakers is scheduled of arch. Paolo Ghirelli with a communication entitled “Between the aqueduct and the quarterdeck: a reconnaissance”; during the speech, documents and surveys drawn up as part of the study and design activities conducted in recent years on the upper part of Gubbio’s historic center by Cooprogetti’s specialists will be illustrated and shared.

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Published On: May 27, 2023Categories: News, Press