Rugby Gubbio

Cooprogetti has been a sponsor of Rugby Gubbio for over 35 years. Being close to sport and young people means sharing a path of growth and development made of passion, commitment, determination and courage.

Società Guamari

Cooprogetti has for many years been a sponsor of the Guamari Company, which is responsible for analysing, through the study of deposited balance sheets, the bid status of major Italian project companies and construction companies.


For many years, Cooprogetti has associated its name with cultural events by participating as a sponsor: a unique way of spreading its propensity for beauty and quality through art. Muam

Vision Journal

Cooprogetti has for many years been a sponsor of Vision Journal, the Infrastructure Magazine committed to improving road safety standards through innovation, sustainability and the human factor.

Gubbio No Borders Festival

Cooprogetti is a sponsor of the Gubbio No Borders Festival, which over time has managed to carve out a prominent position within the Italian summer Jazz Festivals.

Fisiosanisport Reggio BIC

Cooprogetti is a sponsor of Fisiosanisport Reggio BIC affiliated to the FIPIC and part of IWBF Europe.