The presentation, held by Engineer Remo Chiarini, Director of Works (COOPROGETTI – CHIARINI ASSOCIATI – Civil and Environmental Engineering), was one of the highlights of the ‘Open Day Dams’ organised by ITCOLD (Italian Committee of Large Dams), which took place on 31 May 2024 at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Florence. The engineer provided an exhaustive overview of the history of the Montedoglio dam and the multifunctional uses of the artificial reservoir, then went on to a detailed analysis of the causes and dynamics of the structural collapse of 29 December 2010. On that occasion, the collapse of three segments of the spillway of the surface outlet caused an artificial flood in the Tiber River, comparable in intensity to a 200-year natural flood. The presentation also illustrated the restoration work, which began in November 2019 and will be completed in spring 2023, with a focus on the rigorous controls carried out during the works. Emphasis was placed on the constraints imposed by the General Directorate of Dams, including compliance with maximum temperatures during concrete hydration and maximum aggregate sizes, which are fundamental aspects to ensure the safety and durability of the structure.

Published On: September 10, 2024Categories: News