
Infrastrutture Lombarde SPA


Piemonte, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto


2017-2019 Ongoing


113.110.326,26 €


Technical and economic feasibility project

VenTo Cycle route

VenTo is the project of a cycle-tourist ridge along the Po River, the longest in Italy, from “Venice to Turin” (hence the acronym VENTO) passing through Milan: a new concept that of the bicycle-tourism backbone, to be understood as a light infrastructure, safe, continuous and interconnected, that reopens to public use the Italian landscape and the pleasure of visiting, walking, discover it with the right rhythm of the bicycle. An interregional territorial project promoted by the Politecnico di Milano that, through the use of cycling tourism, involves a vast geographical context with the aim of regenerating it by activating recovery, employment, identity, dignity, sociability, and urbanity. It is the landscape in its extensive dimension understood as the most precious, cultural asset, the continuum between monuments, cities, and citizens. From a functional point of view, VENTO will be mainly a cycle and pedestrian path to allow people of all ages – experts and not – to ride safely. VENTO is a Project Country and not only local: it is 700 km of cycle path, but it is also 700 km of green economy and green jobs, which can become a development paradigm valid at the national level. Following the Stability Law 2016, with the help of MIT and the mic, the National System of Tourist Cycle Routes (SNCT) was established, which today includes 10 priority long-distance cycle paths, of which VENTO is the main conductor.













territorial and
agronomic systems