Upgrading of the sewerage system in via Romana in Arezzo: construction of a new floodway spillway with discharge into the t. Vingone (lot 1) and construction of a new floodway spillway with discharge into the f. Sellina (lot 2)
The objective of the works is to adapt the mixed urban drainage system (rainwater and waste water) in the Arezzo district between Via Romana, Fosso Sellina, the Florence-Rome railway line and Viale F.lli Rosselli, to prevent or limit the risk of flooding, which has emerged during recent meteorological events. The executive project includes the construction of new spillways to reduce the load of rainwater and discharge it into nearby water bodies. Lot 1 includes a new overflow spillway that conveys water into the Vingone Torrent, with a main collector along Via Ippolito Nievo and secondary collectors to collect rainwater or waste water. Lot 2 includes the construction of two spillways in the Via Romana collector, conveying water into the Fosso Sellina downstream of Via Dante.