Project for the construction of the drilling route and platform for the TOMACHI X1 I.E. and TOMACHI-X2 I.E. wells in Bolivia
Cooprogetti is pleased to announce the start of work on the construction of the path and platform for the drilling of the TOMACHI X1 I.E. and TOMACHI-X2 I.E. wells in Bolivia. This project aims to [...]
New East Padua Hospital, the Technical and Economic Feasibility Project approved
A fundamental step towards the realisation of a modern, sustainable and welcoming hospital hub. With more than 192,000 square metres dedicated to care, research and innovation, Italy's largest hospital will be a landmark for the [...]
Cooprogetti for Sport: A Story of Values and Inclusiveness
For over 35 years, Cooprogetti has supported Rugby Gubbio with passion and commitment, supporting the team's growth and development. Being close to sport and young people means embracing values such as inclusiveness and respect, loyalty [...]
Associate Cooprogetti acquires Studio Chiarini of Arezzo
Cooprogetti, an OICE Associate in Gubbio, announced the acquisition of Studio Chiarini di Arezzo. Studio Chiarini is known and appreciated throughout Italy for its excellence in hydraulic engineering services, which include: hydraulic risk mitigation, dams, [...]
New acquisition
Cooprogetti is pleased to announce the official acquisition of Studio Chiarini di Arezzo. Studio Chiarini is known and appreciated throughout Italy for its excellence in hydraulic engineering services, which include: hydraulic risk mitigation, dams, network [...]
New polyclinic, project promoted
The services conference convened 34 bodies to validate the technical-economic feasibility: no denials. Il Gazzettino 25/04/2024 Il Mattino di Padova 28/04/2024 Corriere del Veneto 28/04/2024