Together with Rugby Gubbio for 40 years
Since 1984, Cooprogetti is proud to be a sponsor of Rugby Gubbio, sharing and supporting the fundamental values of sport: commitment, respect, teamwork and determination. The club is ready to face a new and exciting [...]
New hospital, final planning begins
We are on the launching pad for what the new polyclinic at Padua East will look like. Within 180 days starting from next Tuesday, the group led by the engineering company ‘Politecnica’ of Modena will [...]
Restoration of the Surface Outlet of the Montedoglio Dam on the Tiber River
The presentation, held by Engineer Remo Chiarini, Director of Works (COOPROGETTI - CHIARINI ASSOCIATI - Civil and Environmental Engineering), was one of the highlights of the ‘Open Day Dams’ organised by ITCOLD (Italian Committee of [...]
Work update Val di Leto Viaduct – Fagnano Castello (CS)
Work continues on the adaptation of the Viaduct over the Vallone, Val di Leto locality, whose project was developed by Cooprogetti Soc. Coop. The new viaduct is being built on the existing cap route, with [...]
Villa Corradino of Centuripe
On 3 August, the Villa Corradino in Centuripe, an ancient centre in the province of Enna characterised by its significant historical and archaeological value, was reopened to the public. From the villa it is possible [...]
Assi Bridge Works Update – 2nd Stage
Work continues on the construction of the downstream carriageway of the Assi Bridge, whose Final and Executive Project was developed by Cooprogetti Soc. The new roadway is designed to connect the new bridge over the [...]