Cooprogetti, an OICE Associate in Gubbio, announced the acquisition of Studio Chiarini di Arezzo.

Studio Chiarini is known and appreciated throughout Italy for its excellence in hydraulic engineering services, which include: hydraulic risk mitigation, dams, network works, hydrological-hydraulic studies, river defence works, irrigation systems and the like. These are strategic topics that require specialised skills and will have a great development in Italy, given also the European plans that are emerging in this field.

The partners of Studio Chiarini join the Cooprogetti team and will work in the new Arezzo branch.

The President of Cooprogetti and OICE Director Alessandro Placucci, expressing sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to making this important milestone possible, states ‘the entry of Studio Chiarini into our group, together with the recent incorporation of BLD srl, will allow us to strengthen our organisational structure through the integration of highly qualified professional profiles and specific know-how, elements that we consider to be of strategic importance for our future’. (A.M.)

Published On: May 3, 2024Categories: Press, News