Elisa Crimi, representing OICE and in her capacity as Coordinator of the OICE Standard Information Specifications Working Group, took part in the event ‘Digital Ecosystem of Public Works’ organised by the National Council of Engineers with the coordination of the Councilor delegate to public works Sandro Catta, in collaboration with CONSIP, AssoRUP, ANCE and OICE. In particular, the OICE representative spoke in the focus dedicated to information management in the planning and design phase, presenting The OICE Standard Information Specifications and highlighting how this tool, ‘designed specifically for small and medium-sized contracting stations, represents a concrete support to the dissemination of the benefits expected from the adoption of information modelling. The OICE Standard Information Specification concretely supports small and medium-sized contracting authorities in the evolution of the computerisation process, facilitating them with respect to the ‘qualification’ provisions of Legislative Decree 36/2023 and its corrective. This is a significant process towards the optimisation and streamlining of digitisation processes for projects in the engineering and construction sector, promoting greater integration between technological innovation and operational practices’.

The initiative represented an important opportunity for training and discussion, during which the latest regulatory developments and the opportunities offered by digitisation in the public procurement sector were analysed.

The following topics were also discussed during the event:
● The novelties introduced by the Contracts Code (Legislative Decree 36/2023) and the amendments of the Correttivo (Legislative Decree 209/2024).
● The role of the digital ecosystem in the planning, awarding and execution of public works.


Published On: March 11, 2025Categories: News, Press