buildings / healthcare /
Narni – Amelia Hospital Presidium
As part of a general reorganisation of the Umbrian health programme aimed at improving services and containing spending, the authorities in charge resolved to develop the hypothesis of rationalising the district health functions of Narni and Amelia by merging them into a single structure with the vocation of Territorial Hospital. The Narni-Amelia hospital facility responds to the need to promote treatments in a planned, extensive regime, guaranteeing accessibility to continuity care cycles, which lead from the general practitioner to integration and enhancement with post-rehabilitation home care. The unification of the territorial services is confirmed in 135 beds to which 20 RSA places are added, with the following macro-functions ∙ General services for the public: reception point, shopping area, bar – canteen, cup. ∙ General Services for the Hospital: Health Management, Administration, Training, central changing rooms for staff, Morgue, Pharmacy, Cloakroom, Kitchen. ∙ Diagnosis Services: Blood Collection and Collection, Analysis Laboratories, Radiology, Outpatient Clinics and Doctors’ Offices. ∙ Care Services: 1st level Emergency Room (stabilisation), Dialysis Service, Operating Group with endoscopic pole, Delivery Group with dedicated operating wing, Day – Hospital, Day – Surger, Rehabilitation Wards with Maternal – Infant Department with non-pathological neonatal care and Paediatric area.